Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Jerrold Keilson

Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
School of International Service
American University
United States of America


Jerrold Keilson has spent thirty years working in international affairs. He is Vice President of Planning, Communications and Development at Creative Associates, an international consulting firm that supports education, democracy and counterinsurgency activities. Previously he worked for the International Youth Foundation as Vice President for Development. He also held senior positions in project operations and program development with America’s Development Foundation and Development Alternatives, Inc. From 1994-2002 he worked for World Learning, Inc, first as director of training and exchange services and for five years as director of program development. Prior to that he was employed by Agricultural Cooperative Development International, where he directed training programs in Central Europe and the Middle East. At Delphi International (1986-1993), he designed and directed exchange programs. Jerrold began his career in international affairs as a Foreign Service officer with the State Department. He has published on the need to incorporate historical understanding in the design of development projects, and on the importance and impact of public diplomacy and citizen diplomacy.

Research Interest

Planning, Communications

Global Experts from United States of America

Global Experts in Subject

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