
Mathematics Experts

Daniel Herden

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Baylor University
United States of America


Dr. Herden was born in Münster (Germany) and raised in Essen (Germany) where he received most of his education. His interest in mathematics got sparked at an early age and resulted in a vivid participation in various mathematical competitions throughout junior and senior high school. He finished his high school career in 1999 as the most successful participant of the German Math Olympiad (5 first, 1 second and 1 third prize) and is currently ranked #2 in the Hall of Fame of this prestigious competition. Further achievements of this early era include 3 first prizes at the German Federal Math Competition and 3 second prizes at the International Mathematical Olympiad (Argentina 1997, Taiwan 1998, Romania 1999). Dr. Herden joined the Baylor faculty in 2014 having particularly strong affiliations to the algebra research group of the math department. Prior to this he has held various other positions including post-doctoral positions at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (2007-2008) and at the University of Münster, Germany (2009-2010), a position as associate professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (2013) and a visiting professor position at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic (2013-2014).

Research Interest

algebra and logic


  • "Absolute E-rings", joint with R. Göbel and S. Shelah, Adv. Math. 226(1) (2011), 235-253.

  • "Skeletons, bodies and generalized E(R)-algebras", joint with R. Göbel and S. Shelah, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 11(4) (2009), 845-901.

  • "Upper cardinal bounds for absolute structures", Groups and Model Theory, Proceedings of the Mülheim Conference 2011, Contemporary Mathematics 576 (2012), 137-150.

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