
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Amalia Perez-juez

Adjunct Associate Professor
Boston University
United States of America


Dr. Perez-Juez is currently working on a major research project, along with other Boston University Faculty members and graduate students, at the mediterranean site of Torre d’en Galmes, Menorca. This complements her previous research project near the city of Madrid: the excavation of the Late-Iron Age site of Cerro de la Gavia. The excavation of these major settlements shed light on the daily life of the inhabitants of Iberia until and during the Roman conquest. Trade, exchange, acculturation, resistance and other topics regarding the encounter of the two cultures are topics covered by this research (as well as the more traditional ones of architecture, agricultures, etc.)

Research Interest

archaeology of Spain; dissemination of research; cultural heritage management


  • Juez AP, Morín J, Barroso R, Agustí E, López M, Sánchez F. El patrimonio arqueológico de la guerra civil. La protección de espacios asociados a la guerra civil española. Bolskan. 2004(21):171-80.

  • Pérez-Juez A, Morín J, Barroso R, Agustí E, Sánchez F. El patrimonio arqueológico de la Guerra Civil: la necesidad de su conservación como testimonio de una época. Patina. 2003;2(12):125-33.

  • PEREZ-JUEZ GIL A. Una alternativa profesional: los intérpretes de parques históricos y arqueológicos de Estados Unidos como paradigma didáctico y de divulgación cultural. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Amigos de la Arqueología. 1997(37):155-64.

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