Catherine Yeh
"Director, Center for the Study of Asia (2015-18);
International Studies
Boston University
United States of America
"Professor Catherine Vance Yeh is the Director of the Center for the Study of Asia. Prof. Yeh’s teaching and research interests include 19th and 20th century Chinese literary, media, and visual culture. Her work has focused on the social and political implications of Chinese entertainment culture and literature, and its impact on social change in late imperial and Republican era China. Her book publications include The Chinese Political Novel: Migration of a World Genre (2015). The Chinese translation of Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910 (2012). Performing the ‘Nation’: Gender Politics in Literature, Theatre and the Visual Arts of China and Japan, 1880-1940 (Co-edited with Doris Croissant and Joshua S. Mostow (2008); Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910 (2006). She is the recipient of a Jeffrey Henderson Senior Research Fellow grant at the Boston University Center for the Humanities; German Research Foundation project grants, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation project grants, and a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship."
Research Interest
19th and 20th century Chinese literary, media, and visual culture.
Yeh CV. Reinventing ritual: late Qing handbooks for proper customer behavior in Shanghai courtesan houses. Late Imperial China. 1998;19(2):1-63.
Yeh CV. The life-style of four Wenren in late Qing Shanghai. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. 1997 Dec 1;57(2):419-70.
Yeh CV. Shanghai love: courtesans, intellectuals, and entertainment culture, 1850-1910. University of Washington Press; 2006.