Lane Beckes
Assistant Professor
Bradley University
United States of America
"Dr. Beckes received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Minnesota where he studied social psychology and interpersonal relationships under Jeff Simpson and Ellen Berscheid. Concurrently, he studied cognitive neuroscience with Chad Marsolek, and learned neuroimaging techniques from Angus MacDonald III. From there he joined the University of Virginia as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate working with Jim Coan in the Virginia Affective Neuroscience lab. Dr. Beckes joined the faculty at Bradley University as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2013."
Research Interest
neurobiology and psychology of interpersonal relationships
Gonzalez MZ, Beckes L, Chango J, Allen JP, Coan JA. Adolescent neighborhood quality predicts adult dACC response to social exclusion. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 2014 Oct 27;10(7):921-8.
Beckes L, IJzerman H, Tops M. Toward a radically embodied neuroscience of attachment and relationships. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2015;9.
Brown CL, Beckes L, Allen JP, Coan JA. Subjective General Health and the Social Regulation of Hypothalamic Activity. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2017 Jul 1;79(6):670-3.