Jingming Xu
Professor of Engineering, Professor of Physics
Brown Engineering
United States of America
The Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. '32 University Professor, Engineering and Physics. Prior to coming to Brown University in 1999, he was the Nortel Chair in Emerging Technologies and James Ham Chair in Optoelectronics, and the Director of Nortel Institute of Telecommunications at the University of Toronto. A Fellow of AAAS, APS, Guggenheim, IEEE, and InstP (UK), Professor Xu is interested in nanoscale science and technology, quantum electronics and photonics, aperiodic optics, semiconductor lasers, electro-optics, and collective behaviors of large coupled systems. His ongoing research includes carbon nanotube structures; diamond nanowires, Silicon lasers, synthesis and non-lithographic fabrication and study of quantum-arrays made from metals, superconducting, molecules and semiconductors; DNA conductivity; physics of redox processes in proteins and cells. Over 250 refereed journal papers and over 270 invited talks at conferences, seminars, colloquia, and speeches in the areas of nano and quantum structures, photonics and physics in USA, Canada, and other regions and countries. Holds 20 patents. Supervised 25 Ph.D. theses, 30 Master Degree theses and 24 postdoctoral fellows. Currently supervising 5 Ph.D students and 4 postdoctoral fellows and research associates. 18 of former and current students won 20 international, national, and university awards and prizes for their research accomplishments. Served and serving as advisers and on advisory boards and committees of government agencies, labs, and companies and firms in USA, Canada, Korea, France, and China, and as DVS (Distinguished Visiting Scientist) of NASA JPL, Telecom Industry Distinguished Visiting Professor of POSTECH (Korea), WCU (World Class University) Professor of Seoul National University (Korea), Invited Professor of CNRS/Univ of Lille (France), and Chang-Jiang Chair Professor (visiting) of UESTC (China).
Research Interest