Dr. Janet A. Timbie
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures
Catholic University of America
United States of America
Dr. Janet A. Timbie (Adjunct Assoc. Prof.; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) has taught in the Semitics Dept. since 2002, and has also collaborated with the Center for the Study of Early Christianity.
Research Interest
Her areas of interest include Coptic language and literature, the origins of monasticism, and the history of the Christian Near East. Her research focuses on 4th-5th c. Coptic monastic texts, with particular emphasis on the interpretation of scripture in those texts. 
"Writing Rules and Quoting Scripture in Early Coptic Monastic Texts," in Ascetic Culture. Essays in Honor of Philip Rousseau, ed. Blake Leyerle and Robin Darling Young (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013), 29-49.
"The Education of Shenoute," Religion and Education in Late Antiquity (ed. Peter Van Nuffelen; Ashgate, in preparation).