Lu Sun
Professor and Chairman Director, International Ins
Department of Civil Engineering
Catholic University of America
United States of America
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2001 Ph.D., M.S., B.S., Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 1996, 1994, 1993. Dr. Lu Sun's research interests include: (1) vehicle-structure interaction and wave propagation in solids; (2) structural health monitoring and nondestructive testing; (3) civil infrastructure information systems and asset management; (4) high-speed railway, highway and airport pavement design, (5) asphalt concrete pavement materials and performance modeling; (5) intelligent transportation systems and optimal routing; (6) traffic flow theory, simulation, and forecasting; (7) transportation safety. Dr. Sun's research has attracted several million dollars federal research grants sponsored primarily by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Transportation, other government agencies and consulting firms from the industry. He has authored or co-authored three monographs on Dynamic Interaction of Vehicle-Pavement Systems, Nano-material Modified Asphalt, and Transportation Safety Operations Management. Dr. Sun has also published more than 160 journal articles. Dr. Sun serves as referee for more than fifty international journals, panelist for several National Science Foundation (NSF) panels. Dr. Sun received the Changjiang Scholar Professorship from China Ministry of Education in 2006, the CAREER Award from the NSF in 2006, and the University Provost Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship in 2007.
Research Interest
Research Interest(1) vehicle-structure interaction and wave propagation in solids; (2) structural health monitoring and nondestructive testing; (3) civil infrastructure information systems and asset management; (4) high-speed railway, highway and airport pavement design, (5) asphalt concrete pavement materials and performance modeling; (5) intelligent transportation systems and optimal routing; (6) traffic flow theory, simulation, and forecasting; (7) transportation safety.
Sun, L. “An overview of a unified theory of dynamics of vehicle–pavement interaction under moving and stochastic loadâ€, Journal of Modern Transportation, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2013, 135–162, DOI 10.1007/s40534-013-0017-8
Sun, L., Pan, Y. and Gu, W. “Data mining using regularized adaptive B-splines regression with penalization for multi-regime traffic flow modelsâ€, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 30 APR 2013, DOI: 10.1002/atr.1232
Sun, L. “Piecewise stationary renewal processes based projection-factoring method for mid- and long-term traffic modeling and forecastingâ€, Transportation Science, in press, 2014