Donald Goldfarb
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Columbia University
United States of America
Donald Goldfarb, the Alexander and Hermine Avanessians Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, has been a faculty member at Columbia Engineering since 1982. He served as Interim Dean of SEAS in 2012-2013, Executive Vice Dean in 2011-2012, Acting Dean of SEAS in 1994-95, and chair of the IEOR Department from 1984 to 2002.
Research Interest
"Finance/Financial Engineering Machine Learning Mathematical Programming Optimization"
"Extension of Davidon's variable metric method to maximization under linear inequality and equality constraints," SIAM J Applied Math. 17: 739-763
Lapidus L (1968) Conjugate gradient method for nonlinear programming problems with linear constraints Fundamentals 7: 142-151.