Andrew A Samwick
Department of Economics
Dartmouth College
United States of America
Andrew A Samwick is working as Assistant Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College, USA. He has authored and co-authored multiple peer-reviewed scientific papers and presented works at many national and International conferences.
Research Interest
Applied Microeconomics, Finance, Public Policy, Social Entrepreneurship
Samwick AA. Donating the Voucher: An Alternative Tax Treatment of Private School Enrollment. Tax Policy and the Economy. 2013 Aug 1;27(1):125-60.
“Policy Forum: A Decade of Reckoning – Fiscal Policy Challenges in the United States,†Canadian Tax Journal 61:2 (2013), 413-424.
Gale, W. G., & Samwick, A. A. (2014). Effects of income tax changes on economic growth.