Daniel Rockmore
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
United States of America
Daniel Rockmore is currently working as Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, USA.
Research Interest
Riemann Hypothesis, nonlinear approximation theory, Information Theory, Probability, Fourier Analysis
Rockmore, D, J D Van Horn, S T Grafton, and M S Gazzaniga, “Sharing Neuroimaging Studies of Human Cognition,†Nature Neuroscience , 7 (2004) 473-481.
Rockmore, D, and R Orellana, “Rooted Trees and Iterated Wreath Products of Cyclic Groups,†Advances in Applied Mathematics , 33:3 (2004) 531-547.
Rockmore, D, S Lyu and H Farid, “A Digital Technique for Art Authentication,†PNAS , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101:49 (2004) 17006-17010.