
Engineering Experts

Peter Winkler

Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
United States of America


Peter Winkler is currently working as Associate Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, USA.

Research Interest

Discrete mathematics, Theory of computing, probability, statistical physics


  • Alon, N, G Brightwell, H A Kierstead, A V Kostochka, P Winkler, “Dominating Sets in k-Majority Tournaments,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B , 96:3 (May 2006) 374-387.

  • Brightwell, G and P Winkler,Submodular Percolation,SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23:3 (2009), 1149-1178.

  • Paterson, M, Y Peres, M Thorup, P Winkler and U Zwick,Maximum Overhang,American Mathematical Monthly 116:9 (2009), 763787.

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