Qiang Liu
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
United States of America
Qiang Liu is currently working as Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, USA. His research area is machine learning and statistics, with interests spreading over the pipeline of data collection (e.g., by crowdsourcing), learning, inference, decision making, and various applications using probabilistic modeling.
Research Interest
probabilistic graphical models; variational and Monte Carlo inference; deep learning; deep reinforcement learning; distributed learning; big data problems; kernel and nonparametric methods; applications: crowdsourcing, vision, bioinformatics
Liu, Q., & Ihler, A. (2013). Variational algorithms for marginal MAP. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14(1), 3165-3200.
Zhou, D., Liu, Q., Platt, J., & Meek, C. (2014). Aggregating ordinal labels from crowds by minimax conditional entropy. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-14) (pp. 262-270).
Liu, Q., Peng, J., Ihler A., & Fisher III, J. (2015); Estimating the Partition Function by Discriminance Sampling. In Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2015.