
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Dr. Erik D. Maki

Associate Professor 
Pharmacy Practice
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
United States of America


I believe that relationships and trust are one of the most important aspects to designing a successful learning environment. The academic setting can be an intimidating place where admitting one’s own weaknesses is not an intuitive behavior and can be uncomfortable. However, without this open and honest communication of needs, I as the instructor can only guess where the student wants and needs improvement. By removing fear and apprehension by creating a trusting, mentoring relationship, I can work with students in those areas they need and want the most help to maximize their time with me in the learning .I believe that deep learning occurs in the collaborative learning environment because students take responsibility for the content and feel comfortable asking each other for help. This responsibility is owned not only on the individual level but also for the collective. Creating this atmosphere is a win-win for all of the students involved because students with deficits are brought up to speed and the students helping have a better understanding of the content by synthesizing the concepts at a level where there is mutual understanding.

Research Interest

Internal Medicine


  • Lack of a physicochemical interaction between metronidazole and cholestyramine

  • Update on the Management of Constipation and Post-Operative Ileus. In: American College of Clinical Pharmacy, ed. Pharmacotherapy Self-Assessment Program. 

  • Gout and Hyperuricemia. In: Schwinghammer TL, Koehler JM, eds. Pharmacotherapy Casebook:

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