
Medicine Experts

Gilbert Omenn

Board of Director
Medicine & Bioinformatics
United States of America


 Gilbert S. Omenn was appointed to our board of directors in June 2014. Gil is Professor of Computational Medicine & Bioinformatics, Internal Medicine, Human Genetics and Public Health, and Director of the Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan. He serves on the Scientific Management Review Board of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Community Preventive Services Task Force of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Previously, Gil served as Chief Executive Officer of the University of Michigan Health System and Executive Vice President of the University of Michigan for Medical Affairs. He was Professor of Medicine and of Environmental Health, and Dean of the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, at the University of Washington. Gil was a member of the intramural program of NIH in the Anfinsen Lab and was a Howard Hughes Investigator with NIH grants spanning four decades. He served previously on the National Cancer Advisory Board, NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Advisory Council, Society of Fellows for the NIH National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities and on the Director’s Advisory Committee for the CDC. Gil earned his Bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from Princeton University, his medical degree magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School, and his PhD in genetics from the University of Washington. Previously, Gil has been a member of the board of directors for Amgen Inc. and Rohm & Haas Company.

Research Interest

 Medicine, Human Genetics and Public Health

Global Experts from United States of America

Global Experts in Subject

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