
Psychiatry Experts

Todd Mcelroy

Associate Professor
Florida Gulf Coast University
United States of America


Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, May, 2003 Dissertation: The rationality and irrationality of framing effects: An analytic/holistic perspective. M.A. in Social Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, May, 2000 Thesis: Value and social judgment. B.A. in Psychology, University of North Carolina at Asheville, December, 1995 Senior paper: A proposal for how knowledge influences errors.

Research Interest

Experimental Psychology


  • Levin, I.P., McElroy, T., Gaeth, G. J., Hedgcock, W. Denburg N.L. & Tranel, D. (2014). Studying Decision Processes through Behavioral and Neuroscience Analyses of Framing Effects. Frontiers of Cognitive Psychology Series: Neuroeconomics, Judgment and Decision Making.

  • McElroy, T., Dickinson, D. L., *Stroh, N., & Dickinson, C. (Revision Requested). The Physical Sacrifice of Thinking: Investigating the Relationship Between Thinking and Physical Activity in Everyday Life. Journal of Health Psychology.

  • Dickinson, D. L., McElroy, T., & *Stroh, N. (Revision Requested). The impact of glucose on Bayesian v. heuristic-based choice. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics.

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