
Business & Management Experts

Laurent Dubois

CEO, GE Healthcare Partners
Business Management
GE Healthcare
United States of America


    Laurent Dubois is CEO of GE Healthcare Partners. Laurent is responsible for establishing GE as a transformation partner to healthcare systems worldwide, and for growing GEHC Partners into a leading healthcare consultancy and  solutions business, building on the unique combination of GE’s capabilities and resources. Laurent joined GE in July 2013. Laurent comes with extensive global experience in healthcare and consulting. He joined McKinsey & Company in 1998, where he was elected Partner in 2004, and worked mostly in healthcare since 2001. He led McKinsey’s EMEA downstream Pharma & Medical Devices Practice since 2007, and served healthcare clients on a global basis. Laurent left McKinsey end of 2011 to found Five Oaks, a Swiss based boutique advisory and investment firm active in healthcare and services.      Laurent started his career in 1992 in petroleum, working first for Total as a controller in various divisions, and then joining Texaco Europe in 1996 to lead acquisitions & retail diversification efforts. Laurent holds a Master in Applied Economic Sciences from the Free University of Brussels.

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