
Engineering Experts

Mohammad Ehteshami

Vice President, Additive Integration
United States of America


 Mohammad Ehteshami was named to his current position as Vice President, Additive Integration in September 2016. In this role, Mohammad provides strategic direction and operational leadership to GE’s additive manufacturing ecosystem.   Most recently, Mohammad served as Vice President & General Manager of Engineering for GE Aviation. Mohammad oversaw the design, development, certification and field services of GE Aviation’s products and services. Mohammad has more than 30 years’ experience at GE Aviation where he began as a design engineer in 1984. He then held several engineering positions before he became manager of Development Assembly and Instrument Operations in 1998.  In 2000, he became manager of the Combustor Design Engineering Center of Excellence, and also provided strong leadership achievements in globalization and New Product Introduction (NPI). He was appointed General Manager of GE Aviation's Rotating Parts Center of Excellence in 2003.

Research Interest

 Aviation, additive integration

Global Experts from United States of America

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