Heinz-bernd Schuttler
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Georgia University
United States of America
Heinz-Bernd Schuttler is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Research Interest
Computational physics, quantum many-body theory, strongly correlated electron systems, high-temperature superconductivity.
C.-H. Pao and H.-B. Schüttler, "Numerical renormalization group approach to fluctuation exchange in the presence of electron-phonon coupling: Pairing in the Holstein-Hubbard Model," Phys. Rev. B 60, 1283 (1999).
G. Esirgen, H.-B. Schüttler, C. Grüber, and H.G. Evertz "Screened-Interaction Expansion for the Hubbard Model and Determination of the Quantum Monte Carlo Fermi Surface," Phys. Rev. B 64, 195105-195116 (2001).
D. Battogtokh, D.K. Asch, M.E. Case, J. Arnold and H.-B. Schüttler, "An Ensemble Method for Identifying Regulatory Circuits with Special Reference to the qa Gene Cluster of Neurospora crassa," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 99, 16904-16909 (2002).