Michael Bachmann
Department of Physics
Georgia University
United States of America
Michael Bachmann is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Physics.
Research Interest
Studies of structural transitions in macromolecular systems, theory and analysis of cooperative behavior in complex systems of finite size, statistical analysis of simulation data, development of advanced computer simulation methodologies
T. Koci and M. Bachmann Subphase Transitions in First-Order Aggregation Processes Phys. Rev. E 95, 032502(1-8) (2017).
Q. Cao and M. Bachmann DNA Packaging in Viral Capsids with Peptide Arms Soft Matter 13, 600-607 (2017).
M. J. Williams and M. Bachmann System-Size Dependence of Helix-Bundle Formation for Generic Semiflexible Polymers. Polymers 8, 245(1-13) (2016).