William Dennis
Department of Physics
Georgia University
United States of America
William Dennis is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Physics.
Research Interest
Linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopic techniques to investigate many of the fundamental dynamical processes that occur in condensed matter systems such as laser crystals, phosphors and glasses. The team has developed novel techniques for investigating the dynamics of phonons in doped insulating materials and have used these techniques to study phonon-phonon, magnon-phonon and electron-phonon interactions an a variety of systems. The team currently using a combination of experiment and computer simulation to investigate the effects of high intensity ultrashort pulses on optical materials, components and systems.
Carl M. Liebig and W. M. Dennis, "Simulation of interactions of high-intensity ultrashort pulses with dielectric filters," Opt. Eng. 46, 023801 (2007).
W.M. Dennis , "Laser Spectroscopy's Roaring Nineties: Recollections from the first decade at UGA", Chin. J. Lumin., 29, 28 (2008)
J. R. Gulley, S. W. Winkler, and W. M. Dennis, "Simulation and analysis of ultrafast laser pulse induced plasma generation in fused silica," Opt. Eng. 47, 054302 (2008).