Annie Blissit
water resources engineer
Civil Engineering
Gresham Smith and Partners
United States of America
Gresham, Smith and Partners is proud to announce that Annie Blissit, P.E., ENV SP, water resources engineer has been named 2017 Young Civil Engineer of the Year by the Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The award is given to an outstanding young Georgia Civil Engineer. The award was presented at the ASCE Georgia Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet. “We are proud and excited to share Annie’s well-deserved industry recognition. She is an exceptional young leader who’s enthusiasm and involvement is apparent to everyone around her,” said Al Pramuk, chairman and chief executive officer, Gresham, Smith and Partners. “She is a testament to our belief that our people are our greatest asset. Not only is Annie a tremendous asset to our firm, but to her community and the industry.” Blissit’s engineering experience includes water and wastewater facilities, pump stations and environmental management projects including Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). She has published research through and co-authored reference chapters for the Water Environment Federation. Blissit also led the 2013 ASCE Georgia Infrastructure Report Card evaluation of wastewater issues that guides policy for the Governor and Legislature of Georgia.
Research Interest
water and wastewater facilities