Farad Azima
Pharmaceutical Science
Huntingdon Life Sciences
United States of America
arad Azima is a tech entrepreneur and founder of a number of successful UK technology businesses. These include the biomedical and healthcare group NetScientific plc (now run by Sir Richard Sykes FRS), the Audio Engineering group NXT plc, Cyrus Electronics and Mission Electronics. Farad has led a number of international M&As as well as two IPOs on the London Stock Exchange, and is currently running the CetroMed Group in biomedical research and new drugs development. He has been awarded a number of international patents for his innovative work in diverse areas of engineering, and enjoys strong links with various academic institutions in Europe and the United States. Farad has served on the Advisory Boards of Churchill College, Cambridge, and the Middle East Institute, London University. His charitable activities range from the Iran Heritage Foundation to the Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competition.
Research Interest
Pharmaceutical Science