
Healthcare Experts

Heidi A. Hanson

Department of Population Health Sciences
Huntsman Cancer Institute
United States of America


Dr. Hanson is a research assistant professor in the Division of Public Health and a research associate at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. She is a sociologist and demographer. She completed her bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science and Health and MS and PhD in Sociology at the University of Utah. She has worked as a member of the Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Pedigree and Population Resource group as a computer programmer and research associate. The goal of her research is to promote healthy aging and longevity by understanding the genetic and environmental determinants of health throughout the life course. Specific areas of research include understanding how environmental influences in utero and early childhood affect later life health, the relationship between fertility and later life health, genetic determinants of longevity, familial predisposition to obesity and the interaction with social and physical environments, and familial, community, and socioeconomic factors affecting health outcomes.

Research Interest

Aging Demographic patterns - Aging Demography Life Course and Health Outcome Air Pollution Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Cancer


  • Hollingshaus MS, Coon H, Crowell SE, Gray DD, Hanson HA, Pimentel R, Smith KR (2016). Differential Vulnerability to Early-Life Parental Death: The Moderating Effects of Family Suicide History on Risks for Major Depression and Substance Abuse in Later Life. Biodemography Soc Biol, 62(1), 105-25.

  • Samadder, NJ, Smith, KR, Wong, J, Hanson, H, Boucher, K, Burt, RW, Charlton, M, Byrne, KR, Gallegos-Orozco, JF, Koptiuch, C, Curtin, K (Accepted). Familial risk of biliary tract cancers: a population-based study in Utah. Dig Dis Sci, 61(12), 3627-32.

  • Anderson RE, Hanson HA, Lowrance WT, Redshaw J, Oottamasathien S, Schaeffer A, Johnstone E, Aston KI, Carrell DT, Cartwright P, Smith KR, Hotaling JM (03/2017). Childhood Cancer Risk In The Siblings and Cousins Of Men With Poor Semen Quality. J Urol, 197(3 Pt 2), 898-905.

  • Dribe M, Breschi M, Gagnon A, Gauvreau D, Hanson HA, Maloney TN, Pozzi L, Smith KR, Vezina H (11/25/2016). Socio-economic status and fertility decline: Insights from historical transitions in Europe and North America. Popul Stud (Camb), 71(1), 3-21.

  • Mayer E, Lenherr SM, Hanson HA, Jessop TC, Lowrance WT (05/2017). Gender Differences in Publication Productivity among Academic Urologists in the United States. Urology, 103, 39-46.

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