S. James Remington
Physics Member
Institute of Molecular Biology
United States of America
S. James Remington Physics Member currently works as a professor in the Institute of Molecular Biology. S. James Remington research interest are Enzyme structure, mechanism and dynamics, x-ray crystallography, development of fluorescent protein biosensors. S. James Remington uses an interdisciplinary approach in applying physical techniques to the study of biological molecules, especially the structure, function, and interaction of enzymes, chemoreceptors and fluorescent proteins. The primary techniques we use are mutagenesis, x-ray crystallography and spectroscopy, but occasionally we perform computer modeling of enzyme active sites and other properties of proteins. In the laboratory, chemists and biologists collaborate with physicists to achieve a broader intellectual basis for the research.
Research Interest
Enzyme structure, mechanism and dynamics, x-ray crystallography, development of fluorescent protein biosensors.
Structural basis for reversible photobleaching of a green fluorescent protein homologue. Henderson JN, Ai HW, Campbell RE, Remington SJ Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Apr 17;104(16):6672-7
Atomic resolution structures of Escherichia coli and Bacillus anthracis malate synthase A: comparison with isoform G and implications for structure-based drug discovery. Lohman JR, Olson AC, Remington SJ Protein Sci 2008 Nov;17(11):1935-45
Development of a family of redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein indicators for use in relatively oxidizing subcellular environments. Lohman JR, Remington SJ Biochemistry 2008 Aug 19;47(33):8678-88
Excited state proton transfer in the red fluorescent protein mKeima. Henderson JN, Osborn MF, Koon N, Gepshtein R, Huppert D, Remington SJ J Am Chem Soc 2009 Sep 23;131(37):13212-3
Structure and mechanism of the photoactivatable green fluorescent protein. Henderson JN, Gepshtein R, Heenan JR, Kallio K, Huppert D, Remington SJ J Am Chem Soc 2009 Apr 1;131(12):4176-7
Unique interactions between the chromophore and glutamate 16 lead to far-red emission in a red fluorescent protein. Shu X, Wang L, Colip L, Kallio K, Remington SJ Protein Sci 2009 Feb;18(2):460-6
Green fluorescent protein: a perspective. Remington SJ Protein Sci 2011 Sep;20(9):1509-19
Structure and proposed mechanism for the pH-sensing Helicobacter pylori chemoreceptor TlpB. Goers Sweeney E, Henderson JN, Goers J, Wreden C, Hicks KG, Foster JK, Parthasarathy R, Remington SJ, Guillemin K Structure 2012 Jul 3;20(7):1177-88
Chemodetection and Destruction of Host Urea Allows Helicobacter pylori to Locate the Epithelium. Huang JY, Sweeney EG, Sigal M, Zhang HC, Remington SJ, Cantrell MA, Kuo CJ, Guillemin K, Amieva MR Cell Host Microbe 2015 Aug 12;18(2):147-56
Chemorepulsion from the Quorum Signal Autoinducer-2 Promotes Helicobacter pylori Biofilm Dispersal. Anderson JK, Huang JY, Wreden C, Sweeney EG, Goers J, Remington SJ, Guillemin K MBio 2015 Jul 7;6(4):e00379