Professor Dr Ann-kristin Achleitner
Supervisory Board Member
Linde Group
United States of America
She also serves as a member of the Audit Committee and the Nomination Committee. Born in Düsseldorf (Germany) in 1966 Professional experience since 2001 Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany since 2003 Scientific Co-Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies (CEFS) since 2001 Holder of Chair for Entrepreneurial Finance 2009 Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance, University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland 1995-2001 EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL (International University Schloß Reichartshausen), Oestrich-Winkel, Germany Holder of the Endowed Chair for Banking and Finance and Chair of the Board of the Institute for Financial Management 1994-1995 McKinsey & Company, Inc., Frankfurt am Main, Germany Consultant 1992-1994 University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland 1994 Private lecturer in Business Administration, esp. Finance and Accounting 1992-1994 University lecturer in Finance and External Auditing 1991-1992 MS Management Service AG, St. Gallen, Switzerland Consultant Education 1984-1994 University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland 1992-1994 Postdoctoral thesis (“Die Normierung der Rechnungslegung†[Establishing national and international Accounting Standards]) 1990-1992 Doctorate in Law 1988-1991 Doctorate in Business Administration 1988-1990 Degree in Law (lic. iur. HSG) 1984-1988 Degree in Business Administration (lic. oec. HSG) Membership of other statutory supervisory boards Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft Aktiengesellschaft in München (Munich Re) Membership of comparable German or foreign supervisory bodies ENGIE SA (formerly GDF SUEZ SA) (Member of the Board of Directors)
Research Interest
Business and development,Management,Hospitality