
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Carol Wicks

Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
United States of America


Dr. Carol Wicks raised in rural Northern New York in a small town on the St. Lawrence River. Extended family included many dairy farmers. Nuclear family was a constellation of sisters. Always did well in math and the sciences. In high school, I was steered to Engineering at Clarkson University where I earned a BS degree and gained a solid background in mathematics, fluid flow, and thermodynamics. When in graduate school in Engineering at UVA, I discovered caving and that I could use of my knowledge of thermodynamics and fluid flow to understand nature. Switched from Engineering to Environmental Sciences. My research and teaching reflects my strong background in engineering and in the mathematical physical sciences. I try to help students understand that basics (the underlying math and physics and chemistry) as applied to Earth, in particular karst.

Research Interest

My primary research interest is understanding the linkages between hydrology and ecology of carbonate systems. Hydrogeologic topics include determining the rate of and mechanism of sediment transport through karst basins; understand the spatial and temporal geochemical variations in closely spaced saline springs; and understand the role of faults in controlling flow of saline water in carbonate aquifers. Research interests with a biological slant are understanding disturbances (siltation and scour events) to the habitat of the endemic aquatic cave-dwelling animals understanding the mobility of these aquatic animals A new research topic involves petrophysics and the subsurface geology of Louisiana.


  • Tracing Suspended Sediment in the Subsurface Using Beryllium-7 Isotope C Broderick, C Wicks Gulf Coast Assocaition of Geological Societies Transactions.

  • Wavelet Transformation as a Reservoir Characterization Tool in Shale Plays S Naseem, C Wicks Gulf Coast Assocaition of Geological Societies Transactions.

  • CO2 Outgassing from Spring Waters BJ Maas, CM Wicks Aquatic Geochemistry 23 (1), 53-60.

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