Shawn Zinnen
Chief Executive Officer
MBC Pharma
United States of America
Dr. Zinnen graduated with a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Genetics from Duke University and conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Colorado at Boulder as an NIH Fellow. Dr. Zinnen was previously Associate Director of Biochemistry at Sirna Therapeutics Inc. where he served in various critical roles driving compounds from discovery stage and into human clinical trials and was a key decision maker on the path to four Investigational New Drug filings with the FDA. He invented Sirna Therapeutic Inc.'s (previously Ribozyme Pharmaceuticals Inc.) clinical stage compound Herzyme, an anti-Her-2 targeted ribozyme, that was evaluated in human breast cancer trials. Dr. Zinnen has managed interdisciplinary teams of industry and academic scientists solving pharmacology related problems for diseases ranging from cancer to asthma to macular degeneration. He has authored or coathored 17 papers and 25 patents.
Research Interest