Alexandra Quittner
Department of Psychology
Miami VA Medical Center
United States of America
Dr. Alexandra Quittner is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Department of Psychology, Miami VA Medical Center , USA. His research interests includes Psychology. He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Alexandra Quittner is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to Psychology.
Research Interest
An international registry for primary ciliary dyskinesia Werner, C., Lablans, M., Ataian, M., Raidt, J., Wallmeier, J., Große-Onnebrink, J., Kuehni, C. E., Haarman, E. G., Leigh, M. W., Quittner, A. L., Lucas, J. S., Hogg, C., Witt, M., Priftis, K. N., Yiallouros, P., Nielsen, K. G., Santamaria, F., Ückert, F. & Omran, H. Mar 1 2016 In : European Respiratory Journal. 47, 3, p. 849-859 11 p.
Electronic applications for the CFQ-R scoring Ronit, A., Gelpi, M., Argentiero, J., Mathiesen, I., Nielsen, S. D., Pressler, T. & Quittner, A. L. May 30 2017 In : Respiratory Research. 18, 1, 108
Development of health-related quality of life instruments for young children with Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) and their parents Alpern, A. N., Gardner, M., Kogan, B., Sandberg, D. E. & Quittner, A. L. 2017 In : Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 42, 5, p. 544-558 15 p.