Lynn R. Mazzoleni
Associate Professor
Michigan Technological University
United States of America
Dr. Lynn R. Mazzoleni is currently working as a Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Michigan Technological University , USA. His research interests includes Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds. He /she is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. Dr. Lynn R. Mazzoleni is the member of many international affiliations. He/ She has successfully completed his Administrative responsibilities. He /she has authored of many research articles/books related to Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds.
Research Interest
Understanding the identities, occurrence, and transformation of aerosol organic compounds Identifying organic aerosol constituents from a variety of atmospheric environments Exploration of new LC column chemistries with ultrahigh pressure pumps for fast and thorough separations, Aqueous reaction pathways
Taylor, N.F., D.R. Collins, D.H. Lowenthal, B. Zielinska, V. Samburova, N. Kumar, A.G. Hallar, L.R. Mazzoleni, I.B. McCubbin, Hygroscopic Growth of Water Soluble Organic Carbon Isolated from Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at U.S. National Parks and Storm Peak Laboratory, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 2555-2571, doi:10.5194/acp-17-2555-2017, 2017.
Zhang, B., R.C. Owen, J.A. Perlinger, D. Helmig, M. Val Martin, L. Kramer, L.R. Mazzoleni and C. Mazzoleni, Ten-Year Chemical Signatures Associated with Long Range Transport Observed in the Free Troposphere Over the Central North Atlantic, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5: 8, DOI:, 2017.
China, S., P.A. Alpert, B. Zhang, S. Schum, K. Dzepina, K. Wright, R.C. Owen, L.R., Mazzoleni, C. Mazzoleni, D.A. Knopf, Ice Cloud Formation Potential by Free Tropospheric Particles from Curriculum Vitae – Lynn R. Mazzoleni Long-Range Transport over the Northern Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophysical Research,, 2017.