Dr. David C. Van Aken
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
United States of America
"Dr. David Van Aken has 30 years experience teaching metallurgical engineering students and holds the title of Curators’ Teaching Professor, which is the highest title that the University of Missouri System bestows upon a faculty member. David has been the recipient of 14 awards for teaching excellence, 11 departmental faculty excellence awards, and 4 Missouri S&T faculty excellence awards. David graduated with a BS in metallurgical engineering from University of Illinois and began an engineering career in 1978 at Caterpillar, Inc., as a materials engineer. He returned to the University of Illinois for his Ph.D. studies in 1982; and, began his academic career at the University of Michigan. He joined the Missouri S&T faculty in 1993. Dr. Van Aken is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Missouri and Illinois and he serves on the International Metallographic Education Committee. David has authored or co-authored more than 170 technical articles, received 3 patents, and is co-author with Professor Bill Hosford of the book Reporting Results: a practical guide for engineers and scientists. His research interests include the physical metallurgy of ferrous alloys, experimental and theoretical aspects of phase transformations, and the mechanical behavior of structural materials. David’s work on 3rd generation advanced high strength steel began with the first NSF/DOE sponsored program on the subject. His students’ work in new advanced high strength steel has been recognized with the 2015 AIST Gilbert R. Speich award and the 2016 AIST Hunt-Kelly Outstanding Paper Award for the 2014 AIST conference paper Developing a 3rd Generation Advanced High Strength Steel with Two-Stage TRIP Behavior. In addition, his research team has received the 2016 AIME Champion H. Mathewson Medal Award for the paper “An Atom Probe Study of κ-carbide Precipitation and the Effect of Silicon Addition.” In addition, his students’ work in the cast metals field have been recognized with 8 AFS best paper awards. "
Research Interest
"Physical metallurgy Experimental and theoretical aspects of phase transformations Expertise in rapid solidification, thermal spray processing, calorimetry and mechanical behavior of materials"
Krista R Limmer, Julia E Medvedeva, David C Van Aken, and Nadezhda I Medvedeva, “Ab-initio simulation of alloying effect on stacking fault energy in fcc Fe,†Computational Materials Science, vol. 99 (2015) pp.253-255. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.12.015
S.T. Pisarik and D.C. Van Aken, "Thermodynamic Driving Force of the γ→ε Transformation and Resulting Ms Temperature in High Mn Steels,†submitted to Met. Mater. Trans. 47A (2016) pp.1009-1018, DOI: 10.1007/s11661-015-3265-x
D.C. Van Aken, T.O. Webb, and J. D. Green, “Grain refinement strategies in high strength cast steel,†23rd IFHTSE Congress, ASM publication.
Jingjing Qing, Von L. Richards, Simon Lekakh and David Van Aken, “Examination of Nodular GraphiteFormation amd Austenite Solidification in Ductile Iron,†AFS proceedings of the 119th Metalcasting Congress paper 15-072, Schamburg, IL, April 10, 2015.
D. Field and D. Van Aken, “Nanocrystalline Advanced High Strength Steel Produced by Cold Rolling and Annealing,†Met. Mater. Trans. 47A (2016) pp. 1912-1917. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-016-3374-1