Jack Fisher
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Montana State University
United States of America
Professor Fisher's archaeological research interests include lifeways and adaptations of prehistoric hunter-gatherer peoples of Montana and adjacent regions, and of southern Africa. He directs archaeological investigations in Montana, and collaborates with researchers in South Africa. Professor Fisher has, in addition, carried out ethnoarchaeological research among extant hunter-gatherer peoples of central and southern Africa.
Research Interest
Lifeways and adaptations of prehistoric hunter-gatherer peoples of Montana and adjacent regions, and of southern Africa
Strandloping as a Resource - Gathering Strategy in the Cape , South African Holocene Later Stone Age: T he Verloren Vlei R ecord , by John Parkington, John W. Fisher, Jr., Cedric Poggenpoel, and Katharine Kyriacou. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 9:219 - 237
Late Holocene Settlement Along the Atlantic Coast of the Cape: Megamiddens and the Case for and against Human Population Increase, by John E. Parkington, Katharine Kyriacou, and John W. Fisher, Jr. South African Archaeological Bulletin 70(201):124 - 127.
An Avonlea Inhumation at Split - Rock Ridge, Big Dry Creek Valley, E astern Montana High Plains, by Leslie B. Davis, John W. Fisher, Jr., Douglas W. Owsley, David G. Mogk, Richard L. Jantz, and Kerry Lippincott. Plains Anthropologist . Published online on July 1, 2016. Not yet published in print as of September 7, 2016