John W. Greiner
Staff Scientist
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
United States of America
Dr. Greiner is a Staff Scientist and Head of the Cytokine Group in the Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology, NCI. He received his Ph.D. in Physiology and Biophysics from West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Dr. Greiner's research interests are in cancer vaccines and immune adjuvants. The Cytokine Group studies the interactions of cytokines and T cell checkpoint inhibitors on the different arms of the immune system to optimize antitumor responses to recombinant vaccines and monoclonal antibody therapy. We are working to define novel strategies for the delivery and use of cytokines and T cell checkpoint inhibitors as biologic adjuvants and immunotherapeutics. Additionally, we are involved in the development of new animal models for the analysis of new vaccines and vaccine strategies.
Research Interest
cancer vaccines, immune adjuvants
Zeytin HE, Patel AC, Rogers CJ, Canter D, Hursting SD, Schlom J, Greiner JW. Combination of a poxvirus-based vaccine with a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) elicits antitumor immunity and long-term survival in CEA. Tg/MIN mice. Cancer research. 2004 May 15;64(10):3668-78.
Takai S, Schlom J, Tucker J, Tsang KY, Greiner JW. Inhibition of TGF-β1 signaling promotes central memory T cell differentiation. The Journal of Immunology. 2013 Sep 1;191(5):2299-307.
Fallon J, Tighe R, Kradjian G, Guzman W, Bernhardt A, Neuteboom B, Lan Y, Sabzevari H, Schlom J, Greiner JW. The immunocytokine NHS-IL12 as a potential cancer therapeutic. Oncotarget. 2014 Apr;5(7):1869.