
Molecular Biology Experts

Ronald E. Gress

Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
United States of America


Dr. Gress received his M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine and his internal medicine residency and oncology fellowship training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and the NCI. His research interests have been in the area of transplantation immunology with emphasis on the regulation of allogeneic responses and the mechanisms by which peripheral lymphocyte populations are generated and maintained. Dr. Gress is also chief of the Medical Oncology Clinical Research Unit and head of the Transplantation Immunology Section, Experimental Immunology Branch.

Research Interest

1) T cells, 2) immunology, 3) immune reconstitution, 4) hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 5) marrow transplant


  • Hakim FT, Memon SA, Cepeda R, Jones EC, Chow CK, Kasten-Sportes C, Odom J, Vance BA, Christensen BL, Mackall CL, Gress RE. Age-dependent incidence, time course, and consequences of thymic renewal in adults. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2005 Apr 1;115(4):930.

  • Sportès C, Hakim FT, Memon SA, Zhang H, Chua KS, Brown MR, Fleisher TA, Krumlauf MC, Babb RR, Chow CK, Fry TJ. Administration of rhIL-7 in humans increases in vivo TCR repertoire diversity by preferential expansion of naive T cell subsets. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2008 Jul 7;205(7):1701-14.

  • Flomerfelt FA, El Kassar N, Gurunathan C, Chua KS, League SC, Schmitz S, Gershon TR, Kapoor V, Yan XY, Schwartz RH, Gress RE. Tbata modulates thymic stromal cell proliferation and thymus function. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2010 Oct 11:jem-20092759.

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