Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Peyton Fouts

United States of America


I was walking to my car after my last final of college. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life but as I left my last test, I was given a gift. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. With that feeling came all the ideas, the business plan, the marketing, the ideas for graphics and every aspect of the company known as OuiBox. When I was 7 years old, I watched a documentary on orphans in Sudan. I saw a girl my age at the time, whose parents had both died of AIDs. She was carrying a much younger brother on her hip, and was clutching the lifeless hand of her second brother who was laying dead in the sand. I was so gripped by that image and I realized that the only thing that could help those people, was money. We can pray for them, visit them, and try to help them, but we can’t create large scale world wide change without a lot of money. The problem was, I had no idea how to make enough money to solve these problems. This gift from God, the ideas for OuiWrite, OuiBox and hundreds of other patent pending and research stage ideas came to me and continue to come even now. I see there are two major needs. For immediate change, we need money. This money goes towards food, water and necessities. But for long term change, people need education. With those missions in mind, OuiBox has comprised itself of educational and fundraising tools that can help girls in Sudan orphaned by AIDS, as well as kids and adults here in America suffering from a layoff or just trying to get a better grade in school. OuiBox is a for-profit company. I have investors. However, 100% of my profits from OuiBox goes to charity, and that charity is called OuiLove. OuiLove focuses on the 3 things most important to make radical change: orphans, hunger and education. My goal is to raise the lowest common denominator and change people’s lives forever. We have partnered with various organizations. Everything from pop stars to Target, Big Brother Big Sister to Susan G. Komen. Within the first week of launching OuiSearch we were able to pledge $50,000 to charity without marketing. Thanks for partnering with OuiBox and me to help change the world.

Research Interest

marketing, the ideas for graphics ,

Global Experts from United States of America

Global Experts in Subject

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