A. Dan Wilson
Research Plant Pathologist
United States Department of Agriculture
Pacific Southwest Research Station
United States of America
Education: Ph.D. in Plant Pathology, 1988 Washington State University M.S. in Plant Pathology, 1983 Texas A&M University B.S. in Bioenvironmental Science, 1981 Texas A&M University
Research Interest
My current research program involves the development of new information and methodologies for the early detection and control of microbes causing lumber defects, tree failures, and economic losses in southern bottomland hardwoods within forest stands and urban areas.
Lockhart, B. R.; Gardiner, E. S.; Leininger, T. D.; Devall, M. S.; Wilson, A. D.; Connor, K. F.; Hamel, P. B.; Schiff, N. M. 2017. Light availability and soil flooding regulate photosynthesis of an imperiled shrub in lowland forests of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA.
Wilson, Alphus Dan. 2017. Electronic-nose devices - Potential for noninvasive early disease-detection applications.
Wilson, Alphus Dan. 2017. Biomarker metabolite signatures pave the way for electronic-nose applications in early clinical disease diagnoses.