
Geology & Earth Science Experts

Claire Murphy

Senior Stratigrapher – Palynologist
United States of America


Claire joined Petrostrat in August 2010 and has worked within the petroleum industry for over 15 years in total. She attained a M.Sc. in Micropalaeontology at Southampton University (1990) specialising in palynology (thesis; palynology of the Albian/Cenomanian of the Anglo-Paris Basin) and then worked on a research project at Trinity College, Dublin, in which she investigated the organic content of potential Palaeozoic sources rocks from NW Europe. Claire then worked in several biostratigraphic consultancy teams including a brief period of time in Australia at SANTOS (South Australian National Oil Company), with a wide range of experience of an international nature. Her primary area of expertise, however is tropical Tertiary palynology of wells from West Africa (Nigeria, equatorial Guinea, Cameroon), the Caribbean (Trinidad) and the Gulf of Thailand. This work focuses largely on the use of biostratigraphical analyses for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, in these often nearshore/deltaic and onshore/offshore transitional successions. Claire has also worked extensively on the Cretaceous of West Africa (Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Congo and Cameroon). Other Cretaceous successions worked include North West Australia, Norwegian North Sea and the West of Shetlands, in addition to Tertiary and Mesozoic sections from Pakistan, Vietnam, Yemen, onshore Italy, Egypt, Morocco, Papua New Guinea and the Permo-Triassic of the Cooper Basin and S. Australia.

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