Geology & Earth Science

Geology & Earth Science Experts

Neil Campion

Senior Stratigrapher – Palynologist
United States of America


 Neil has 22 years’ experience in petroleum industry consulting, following on from research in Carboniferous palynology. He established his reputation in North Sea Tertiary Palynology, having considerable experience in the Central and Viking Graben areas. In addition he has worked North Sea Jurassic and Cretaceous sections. Neil spent several years managing an international biostratigraphy team, where he helped transfer biosteering skills acquired in the North Sea to the Middle Eastern market. He then spent 2 years working on integrated play fairway and petroleum systems databases for Eastern Indonesia, Australia, West and Northwest Africa. Primarily working the North Sea and Norwegian Sea, he has developed a high resolution palynological framework for Late Cretaceous sequences that is now being applied successfully to subdivide major clastic prone intervals. Most recently he has used his experience to help develop a detailed palynological framework for the Early Tertiary section in the Gulf of Mexico, primarily focussed at subdividing the clastic reservoirs of the Wilcox Group. In addition, he continues to work on North Sea Tertiary intervals, and clastic Early Cretaceous sequences from the Middle East. He also has experience in Palaeozoic Shale gas projects from the USA and Europe, Cretaceous Tar Sands from Canada and Cretaceous sections from West Africa. Neil is available for onshore wellsite palynological assignments and has recently worked at wellsite in Caithness, onshore Scotland and Poland.

Research Interest


Global Experts from United States of America

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