Sam Morrison
Stratigrapher – Micropalaeontologist
United States of America
Sam joined PetroStrat in January 2016, having completed a M.Sc. in Applied and Petroleum Micropalaeontology (with distinction) at the University of Birmingham. His M.Sc. research studied Cenozoic foraminifera from two recent BP Clair field appraisal wells in the West Shetland Basin; focussing on the biostratigraphy over the Mid-Miocene Unconformity. Previously, his M.Sci. research at the University of Southampton studied palynological variations across the PETM in a core from the Spitsbergen Central Basin. Sam has experience mud logging on onshore rigs in West Texas and New Mexico, working on both conventional and unconventional prospects in the Permian Basin. Before joining PetroStrat, Sam completed a 4-week appraisal of the BP Collection at the Natural History Museum, assessing the suitability of micropalaeontological material from the North Sea and the Celtic Basin for further study. Since joining PetroStrat, Sam has been working on the biostratigraphy of Neogene material from SE Asia and will be working in our Houston office as a Micropalaeontologist.
Research Interest