Sarah-may Vinnell
Senior Stratigrapher – Micropalaeontologist
United States of America
Sarah has 8 years’ experience in petroleum industry consulting. She joined PetroStrat in August 2007, having completed a B.Sc. in Geology and a M.Sc. in Palaeobiology (Bristol, 2006), followed by a period of volunteer work in the Micropalaeontology Division of the Natural History Museum, London. Sarah served an initial apprenticeship as a Laboratory Technician during which she gained offshore certification and substantial wellsite experience. Sarah began training as a Micropalaeontologist in 2008 and has now gained extensive biostratigraphic and stratigraphic experience in the Cenozoic and Mesozoic of Northwest Europe, the Cretaceous of West Africa and North Africa, Cenozoic of East Africa and South America, and Canada. She has substantial experience in multidisciplinary, single and multi-well studies of the Jurassic of the North Sea (over 60 wells). She has conducted wellsite micropalaeontology in the North Sea and North Africa.
Research Interest