Andrew Leifer
Assistant professor
Princeton University
United States of America
Andrew Leifer is an Assistant Professor of Physics and Neuroscience at Princeton University.
Research Interest
Neural dynamics
SJ Husson, A Gottschalk, AM Leifer, 2013, Optogenetic manipulation of neural activity in C. elegans: from synapse to circuits and behavior, J.Biology of the Cell 105, 6
FB Shipley, CM Clark, MJ Alkema, AM Leifer, 2014, Simultaneous optogenetic manipulation and calcium imaging in freely moving C. elegans, J.Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8, 28
AM Leifer, JP Nguyen, FB Shipley, AN Linder, GS Plummer, et al., 2015, Whole-brain calcium imaging with cellular resolution in freely behaving Caenorhabditis elegans, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences