David Van Sickle
Co-founder and CEO
Propeller Health
Propeller Health
United States of America
David Van Sickle is a co-founder and CEO of Propeller, a Madision, WI based organization creating instruments to enhance the management of asthma and COPD, and lower the expenses of care. He got PhD in medical anthropology from the University of Arizona in 2004. His dissertation research, funded by the National Science Foundation, analyzed the rising pervasiveness of asthma and hypersensitivity in India, a theme that he beforehand considered among Native Americans in Alaska, Arizona and New Mexico. From 2006 to 2009, he was a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health and Society Scholar at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Between 2004-06, he was an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, appointed to the Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch. Amid this time, he gave epidemiological help to the National Asthma Control Program, and investigated the health effects of an assortment of natural exposures.
Research Interest
Asthma, epidemiology, medical anthropology, chronic respiratory disease, public health, medical device development, health data, disease surveillance.