Kay Axhausen
Senior Advisor
Transport Planning
Resource Systems Group, Inc.
United States of America
Kay W. Axhausen is the Professor of Transport Planning in the Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT) at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich. He previously held academic positions at the Leopold-Franzens Universität, Innsbruck, Imperial College London and the University of Oxford. He has been involved in the measurement and modeling of travel behavior for the past 30 years, contributing in particular to the literature on stated choice methods, micro-simulation of travel behavior, valuation of travel time and its components, activity scheduling, and travel survey data collection. His current work includes research on autonomous vehicles, car sharing, and the transportation-related effects of social networking as well as development of advanced transportation modeling methods, such as the agent-based micro-simulation toolkit MATSim (www.matsim.org). Dr. Axhausen was chair of the International Association of Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) and currently serves as editor-in-chief of the journal Transportation, the leading peer-reviewed publication in the fields of transportation planning, policy, research, and practice.
Research Interest
Transport Planning
Axhausen, K.W., S. Hess, A. König, G. Abay, J.J. Bates and M. Bierlaire (2008) Income and distance elasticities of values of travel time savings: New Swiss results, Transport Policy, 15 (3) 173-185.
Axhausen, K.W., A. Zimmermann, S. Schönfelder, G. Rindsfüser and T. Haupt (2002) Observing the rhythms of daily life: A six-week travel diary, Transportation, 29 (2) 95-124.
Axhausen, K.W. (2008) Accessibilities: Long-term perspectives, Journal of Land-Use and Transportation, 1 (2) 5-22.