
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Dori Ellis

Homeland Security
Sandia National Laboratories
United States of America


 As the Associate Labs Director for Division 8000, California Site, Energy and Homeland Security, at Sandia National Laboratories, Dori provides leadership and management direction for Sandia’s California Laboratory; the New Mexico Energy and Geosciences Center in Albuquerque; and other remote sites in Alaska, Texas, and Carlsbad, NM. In addition, she has primary responsibility for Sandia’s Energy and Homeland Security mission portfolio, as well as for California weapon systems engineering. Prior to her current role, Dori spent nearly 40 years working with government (federal, state, and foreign), industry, and academic customers, including 33 years at Sandia. Most recently, Dori served as Executive Director, National Laboratories Operations, for the University of California, Office of the President. Prior to that role, as the Associate Director at Large for Interagency Mission Enhancement at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Dori fostered a strong working relationship between the National Nuclear Security Administration and other federal agencies to expand interagency national security collaborations. Dori has been the U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency Advisory Board on Nuclear Security, a board member for a variety of nonprofit organizations, and an advisor to the U.S. and Russian Academies of Science. Dori holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of New Mexico. She is a charter member of the National Women’s History Museum, which has Congressional permission to seek a publicly funded site on the National Mall.

Research Interest

 During her tenure at Sandia, Dori served as Principal Staff Director; Chief Operations Officer for Defense Systems & Assessments; and Director of the Global Security Line of Business/International Security, Transportation Surety, Nuclear Waste Management, and Nuclear Reactor Technology Centers.

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