Domenic Sica
Medicine and Pharmacology
Sarfez Pharmaceuticals
United States of America
Dr. Sica is a Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at the Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University. A strong area of interest for him is on issues of drug elimination in renal disease as well as the mechanistic understanding of diuretics and their neurohormonal effects. Dr. Sica's current areas of research and special interest are in the areas of drug pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapy of hypertension, and deterrents of renal failure progression. He has received numerous research grants, has published more than 400 articles and edited several books in the areas of hypertension, cardiovascular pharmacotherapeutics, and lipidology.Dr. Sica received his M.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University and Fellowship in Nephrology from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. He currently is President-Elect of the American Society of Hypertension.
Research Interest
Dr. Sica's current areas of research and special interest are in the areas of drug harmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapy of hypertension, and deterrents of renal failure progression. Medicine, Pharmacology, drug elimination