Brian Gill
Department of Mathematics
Seattle Pacific University
United States of America
Education: MA, Mathematics, University of Kentucky, 1994; MS, Biometry and Statistics, University at Albany, 1999; PhD, Mathematics (complex analysis), University at Albany, 1999. At SPU since 1999. Dr. Brian Gill is the chair of the Mathematics Department, and he teaches a wide range of classes at SPU, including courses in probability and statistics, real and complex analysis, differential equations, and vector calculus. However, his current research primarily involves applications of statistics in collaboration with researchers in other disciplines, particularly in social sciences and health sciences. Most of his recent research has involved human-computer interaction and human-robot interaction. This work has been conducted in collaboration with research labs at the University of Washington and has been funded by several National Science Foundation grants. Outside of work, Dr. Gill spends most of his time with his wife and seven children. For recreation, he loves to head outdoors — backpacking, camping, hiking, kayaking, or just enjoying the beauty of God’s creation.
Research Interest
His research interests include pure mathematical research in geometric function theory (a branch of complex analysis).
Kahn PH, Friedman B, Gill B, Hagman J, Severson RL, Freier NG, Feldman EN, Carrère S, Stolyar A. A plasma display window?—The shifting baseline problem in a technologically mediated natural world. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 2008 Jun 30;28(2):192-9.
Denning T, Borning A, Friedman B, Gill BT, Kohno T, Maisel WH. Patients, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators: Human values and security for wireless implantable medical devices. InProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2010 Apr 10 (pp. 917-926). ACM.
Kahn Jr PH, Kanda T, Ishiguro H, Gill BT, Ruckert JH, Shen S, Gary HE, Reichert AL, Freier NG, Severson RL. Do people hold a humanoid robot morally accountable for the harm it causes?. InProceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2012 Mar 5 (pp. 33-40). ACM.