
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Dr. James Broomall

Assistant Professor of History and Director of the
Shepherd University
United States of America


 Civil War and Reconstruction, Southern History, Cultural History Ph.D., University of Florida M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro B.A., University of Delaware

Research Interest

 Along with William A. Link, Dr. Broomall most recently co-edited and published Rethinking American Emancipation: Legacies of Slavery and the Quest for Black Freedom(Cambridge University Press, 2016). He has articles in Civil War History, The Journal of the Civil War Era, and the edited volume, Creating Citizenship in the Nineteenth-Century Southin addition to historiographical essays, book reviews, and online essays. He is currently completing a manuscript-length project, Personal Confederacies: War and Peace in the American South, and has finalized a report for the National Park Service and the Organization of American Historians on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal during the American Civil War. He, his wife Tish, and their two sons, Simon and Henry, live in Shepherdstown, West Virginia

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