
Engineering Experts

Christoforos Kozyrakis

Electrical Engineering
Stanford University
United States of America


Christoforos Kozyrakis is Professor in Electrical Engineering Department of Stanford University. Christos Kozyrakis research focuses on making computer system of any size faster, cheaper, and greener. His current work focuses on the hardware architecture, runtime environment, programming models, and security infrastructure for warehouse-scale data centers and many-core chips with thousands of general purpose cores and fixed functions accelerators.

Research Interest

Christos Kozyrakis research focuses on making computer system of any size faster, cheaper, and greener. His current work focuses on the hardware architecture, runtime environment, programming models, and security infrastructure for warehouse-scale data centers and many-core chips with thousands of general purpose cores and fixed functions accelerators.


  • Delimitrou C, Kozyrakis C. Hclou (2016) Resource-efficient provisioning in shared cloud systems. InACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 50: 473-488

  • Prabhakar R, Koeplinger D, Brown KJ, Lee H, De Sa C (2016) Generating configurable hardware from parallel patterns. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 50: 651-665.

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