
Cardiology Experts

Michael B. Fowler

Stanford University
United States of America


Dr. Michael Fowler is a Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at Stanford Hospital & Clinics. Dr. Fowler attended the Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London, England. He has been elected to be a fellow in the Royal College of Physicians. He came to Stanford University on a British Heart Foundation, American Heart Association reciprocal fellowship award. Dr. Fowler was appointed to the faculty in 1982. He is the Medical Director of the Heart Failure Program at Stanford University School of Medicine and Medical Director of the Stanford Cardiomyopathy Center. Dr. Fowler has specialized in the treatment and research related to heart failure for over 30 years. He played an important role in the development of beta blocking drugs to treat heart failure and has also participated in most and the major studies that have led to our current comprehensive treatment for heart failure with drugs and devices. He is an expert in evaluating patients who may benefit from cardiac transplantation or mechanical support therapy.

Research Interest

Cardiology (Heart), Heart and Lung Transplantation, Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy, Cardiovascular Disease


  • Witteles RM., Fowler MB, Telli ML (2011) Chemotherapy-Associated Cardiotoxicity: How Often Does it Really Occur and How Can it Be Prevented? HEART FAILURE CLINICS 7: 333

  • Witteles RM, Keu KV, Quon A, Tavana H, Fowler MB (2012) Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibition Increases Myocardial Glucose Uptake in Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE 18: 804-809

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