Michele Barry
Senior Associate Dean for Global Health
Med/Primary Care and Population Health
Stanford University
United States of America
Michele Barry, MD, FACP is the Senior Associate Dean for Global Health and Director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health. As a co-Founder and co-Director of the Yale/Stanford Johnson and Johnson Global Health Scholar Award,she has sent over 1000 physicians overseas to underserved areas to help strengthen health infrastructure in low resource settings. She also is current co-PI of two NIH initiatives: Global Health Equity Scholars Program and the NIH-MEPI to twin University of Zimbabwe Health Sciences with Stanford. As a past President of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, she led an educational initiative in tropical medicine and travelers health which culminated in diploma courses in tropical medicine both in the U.S. and overseas, as well as a U.S. certification exam. Dr. Barry is an elected member of the Institute of Medicine and National Academy of Science. She also sits on the the Board of Directors of the Consortium of Universities involved in Global Health (CUGH) and the Foundation for Advancement in International Education (FAIMER).
Research Interest
Areas of scholarly interest include ethical issues involving research overseas, clinical tropical medicine, emerging infectious diseases, problems of underserved populations and globalizationÂ’'s impact upon health in the developing world.'
Kligerman, M., Barry, M., Walmer, D., Bendavid, E (2015) International aid and natural disasters: a pre- and post-earthquake longitudinal study of the healthcare infrastructure in leogane, haiti. American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 92 (2): 448-453
McCauley, D. J., Salkeld, D. J., Young, H. S., Makundi, R., Dirzo, R (2015) Effects of Land Use on Plague (Yersinia pestis) Activity in Rodents in Tanzania AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE 92 (4): 776-783
Nelson, E. J., Andrews, J. R., Maples, S., Barry, M., Clemens, J. D (2015) Is a Cholera Outbreak Preventable in Post-earthquake Nepal? PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9.